Welcome to Nursery at Hambleton Primary Academy.

The Teachers are:
Miss Hennessey (Full time)
Mrs Gardener (Full time)

In Nursery, we work from the Early Years Foundation Stage where we focus on teaching and watching our children develop through play. The continuous provision set up within the classroom and lessons taught are tailored to each child’s needs and interests. This helps children from a young age progress and build a love for learning. Children within the nursery are baseline assessed to help plan for each childs next steps as well as assessed daily to ensure the lessons are both engaging, exciting and challenging for each child.

The children have the opportunity to play with the other year groups at playtime which helps develop relationships and communication and is also great for children that may have older siblings or relatives within the school. We slowly introduce our Nursery children to the school routines throughout the year which enable an effortless transition when moving into Reception. Whilst in nursery, children access an indoor and outdoor learning environment as well as the use of our Forest Schools on a Friday led by Miss Sutherland. We ensure these areas are accessible at all times of the year no matter what the weather. Children are able to independently explore a range of areas within the classroom to enhance their learning whilst also receiving opportunities to take part in adult led activities.

Children are introduced to short lessons each day based on maths (counting), English and a topic daily as well Phase 1 Phonics. Phase 1 phonics introduces children to environmental sounds/initial and supports children’s speaking and listening skills. This will include environmental, instrumental, rhythm, rhyme, alliteration and voice sounds. It provides a strong foundation for children to develop their oral blending and segmenting within the next stage, Phase 2 when moving on into Reception. This term we have P.E with Fleetwood Town on Friday mornings as well as Forest school on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure children come to nursery in their P.E kit as well as providing children with wellies and waterproofs (these can stay in school).

P.E is every Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure your child comes to school in the full and correct P.E in kit school. Hair must be tied up and jewellery removed.

Within the transition stage and first three weeks of Nursery, the children have enjoyed getting to know one another and their teachers. We have looked a lot at feelings, all about me, families as well as learning the school routines and classroom rules. We have read lots of stories, our main focus being ‘The colour monster’, introducing our feelings wall which allows children each day to express how they are feeling. It has been a pleasure to meet all of the children and to watch them grow in confidence, learn the routines as well as build relationships between the staff and one another. 
We look forward to sharing your children’s development and achievements with you.

Miss Hennessey and Mrs Gardner