Welcome to our page! We hope you find everything you need to know about Year One at Hambleton Primary Academy.

In Year One we focus on supporting children to develop the skills they need which are appropriate for their year group. We aim to develop existing knowledge and skills, whilst learning lots of new, exciting things. We use a cross-curricular approach to ensure children can learn across the curriculum and really dive into the topics.

Throughout the year will cover exciting topics such as, ‘Terrific Toys!’ and  ‘Winter Wonderland.  We ensure that all lessons are engaging and cross-curricular, which are adaptable to children’s needs and interests. We encourage children to achieve the best they can through creating lessons which fosters children’s natural curiosity and love of learning. We also guarantee a progression of skills taught from Year 1 to Year 2 and monitor this to inform future planning. 

We understand that learning is a personal journey which is unique for each child. We aim to scaffold learning to meet their needs and often use creative and interactive lessons. Children are provided with support to develop the skills needed to meet the objective and are encouraged to choose the challenge which suits them best.

We ensure that verbal and written feedback is provided and is meaningful to the child. We use ‘live marking’ to ensure that children are aware of the feedback and it is useful to them in the moment. Children are given ‘feedforward time’ to work on any misconceptions to ensure learning is consolidated. Children are also regularly provided with challenges to give them opportunity to apply their learning.

Children are also provided with Entitlement Experiences throughout the year which gives them the opportunity to explore the world around them. Look out for photos on our schools’ Facebook page! These experiences aim to show progressive skills from Nursery to Year 6.

To support children with the transition from Reception to Year 1, we continue to implement continuous provision in the Autumn term and have been adapting our classroom to incorporate following The Curiosity Approach to provide children with broader experiences throughout the provision. This aims to develop children’s skills further, alongside creative and engaging lessons which meet the needs of all children. We are inclusive and children’s progress and needs are always monitored. We are here to support with anything to ensure they are achieving the most at home too. We have many reward systems within the class, from taking home our special teddy to earning  Golden Time on a Friday.

In Year 1 the children complete a statutory Phonics assessment in June, children are preparing for this all year with their daily Phonic sessions, and it is made into a fun way of recognising 20 real and 20 non-real words. More details about this test will be available early next year.

Homework is set every Friday with 5 spellings to learn to be tested the following Friday morning. Reading is a crucial aspect of a child’s education and it is vital that they read every day. We will send home three reading books weekly, one which is matched at a child’s phonics level to support fluency, one which is more of a challenge for breadth, and one library book which encourages reading for pleasure. Books will be changed on a Friday. Our exciting ‘project on a page’ will be sent out each half term, with activities to complete relating to our topic.

P.E is every Monday and Thursday in Year One. Please make sure your child comes to school in the full and correct P.E in kit school. Hair must be tied up and jewellery removed.

We will post updates throughout our learning journey on our schools’ Facebook page, so keep an eye out! We are looking forward to a fantastic year, filled with exciting things and memories.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Webster and Mrs Ronson