Restorative Approach:
Our Non-Negotiables
- Be Respectful: We show respect by using kind words, being polite, and taking care of our school and each other's belongings.
- Be Responsible: We take responsibility for our actions, our learning, and making sure we have everything we need each day.
- Be Ready to Learn: We are always prepared and focused, giving our best effort to learn in our classroom community.
These values guide our expectations for everyone at Hambleton Primary Academy, in and out of the classroom.
Supporting Positive Choices
We understand that all children may sometimes need support with making good behavior choices. Our approach prioritizes guidance and helping students learn from their actions. We use a variety of strategies to redirect behavior and teach children appropriate coping skills. These may include:
- Gentle reminders: We start by reminding students of our classroom expectations.
- Time for Reflection: When needed, students might have short breaks to refocus and make better choices.
- Calm Space: Students who are struggling to manage strong emotions might benefit from time in a designated calm space to practice self-regulation strategies.
- Restorative Conversations: We work with students to understand the impact of their choices and help them make things right.
Celebrating Positive Behaviour
We believe recognising and rewarding positive behaviour motivates students and makes our school a happy place. Our rewards system includes:
- Purposeful Praise: Teachers consistently use encouraging words and smiles to celebrate students following our Non-Negotiables.
- Student Leadership: Students demonstrating excellent behaviour can earn leadership roles in our school.
- House Points: We have four houses! Students earn points for displaying our values and showing their best selves.
- Rewards and Treats: Rewards include special treats, extra break time, and trophies to keep things exciting for everyone.
Partnership for Success
We work closely with parents to understand students' needs and create a consistent, supportive approach between home and school. We celebrate every step of progress! For more detailed information, please refer to our school's: